
VNA Wellness Clinic

Martin Ave. Apartments

The VNA offers residents a visit with a nurse practitioner. Perfect for those without a doctor or who have difficulty getting to one.

August Birthday Party

Let's help all of our neighbors with August Birthdays celebrate! August seems like a good time for a picnic, so we'll serve up some fried chicken and assorted salads, sandwiches and pies! Maybe the weather will be nice, and we can eat outside! Sign up ends August 19.


Santana Tribute Concert

Soul Sacrifice salutes the legacy of Carlos Santana from Woodstock to today with authentic renditions of his greatest hits. FREE!  BRING YOUR OWN CHAIR!


Walking Club

Martin Ave. Apartments

Join us as we walk the Martin and Edward campus on Fridays and take the bus with us on Mondays as we walk various paved trails at parks and the Riverwalk. We walk indoors if the weather is bad.


Bistro Friday

Martin Ave. Apartments

It started very simply with putting out some cookies and coffee and has grown into a very nice way to gather with friends on Friday morning. Stop by the Bistro and see!


Ageless Grace Chair Movement

Martin Ave. Apartments

This is a FREE, half-hour, chair movement class set to music. We meet every Friday at 2:00 pm. Everyone is welcome!



Martin Ave. Apartments

Let's play some BINGO! Cards cost just $1.00 each and all money collected is given back as prizes along with some nifty gift cards.