H.U.M. Computer & Cell Phone Help

Martin Ave. Apartments

Here's an opportunity to better understand the electronic devices that are becoming increasingly important in our everyday lives. A team from H.U.M. (Help-Unite-Motivate) led by Nagesh Rai, Co-Founder & Vice […]


YMCA Fitness

Martin Ave. Apartments

This 60 minute class features 20 minutes of Yoga followed by 20 minutes of Zumba and 20 minutes of strength training. Participate sitting, standing or using your yoga mat! Improves […]


Walking Club

Martin Ave. Apartments

Join us as we walk the Martin and Edward campus on Fridays and take the bus with us on Mondays as we walk various paved trails at parks and the […]


Step to the Beat!

Martin Ave. Apartments

Step to the Beat is an energetic exercise program that incorporates mental focus and physical effort to build strength, flexibility, core strength and balance. Sign up only needed for first […]


Naperville Bank & Trust “Snack & Learn”

Martin Ave. Apartments

Learn about credit and how to manage debt! Light refreshments will be provided. Brought to us by our friends at Naperville Bank & Trust. Please register by Monday, April 17.


Walking Club

Martin Ave. Apartments

Join us as we take the bus on Wednesday to walk various paved trails at parks and the Riverwalk. We walk indoors if the weather is bad and during most […]


Unlocking the Secrets of your Smartphone

Martin Ave. Apartments

Join Tony LaPalio, Founder & CEO of Senior Tech Support. for an exciting hands-on presentation that will help you navigate your device like a pro with expert tips and live […]
